He Fulfills His Promises

During the ‘Dirty Thirties’ severe dust storms caused major agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairies. People were dying from lack of food.
Farmers were losing their livelihoods, their farms, and their livestock. There was no water. The land was parched and unproductive. This period lasted up to ten years in some parts of the United States and Canada.
A farmer who attended my father-in-law's church was one of those landowners who should have lost everything. He was a simple man with simple faith. The drought hit. There was no rain for years.
But he trusted God – not the weather report. He applied the Word of God and the promises God gives us in His Word. There was no room for doubt – God was his source.
God Fulfills His Promises

This young farmer began to thank and praise God every day for the rain. He kept His eyes focused on God and His promises.
God sent the rain clouds and it rained ONLY on his land. His farm flourished throughout the famine. He was able to feed his neighbors. But the story does not end there – continue reading to see what happened when he decided to sell his farm.
Because of what is happening in our current world, many people have anxiety regarding their future. They are concerned about the impending circumstances and how it will affect their lives.
When things happen that you do not understand and put you in dire circumstances – look at your source. Your source is your strength. Your Source is the Word of God.
Daily thank God for His promised protection and His blessings. You are favored by the Lord God Almighty. It is up to you to believe it and receive what God has promised you.
It's "supernatural"...

Years later, when the farmer decided to sell his land, there was a bidding war. People came from miles around to bid on this land. They thought the secret to this farmer’s prosperity was something in the land that attracted the clouds to rain there.
The bidding began and he sold his farm for many times more than he had expected – exceedingly abundantly above what he asked or thought as described in Ephesians 3:20. People were thinking in ‘natural’ terms, but the farmer knew it was ‘supernatural.’
God honors your faith and His Word.
The farmer used this windfall to bless many ministries around the world, including my brother-in-law’s behind the Iron Curtain – supplying food to the starving and sharing the gospel.
One. Man’s. Faith. One man who dared to believe and the blessings never stopped.
God gave each of us a measure of faith – it is up to us to believe what God’s Word claims. The blessings are limitless.
Where Is Your Focus?

Where is your focus? Is it on your circumstances or God’s Word?
“Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb, because he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel” Joshua 13:14.
Are your eyes focused on the darkness in our world or what God has promised in His Word?
Caleb’s secret to a long and prosperous life was to simply follow the Lord. Just like the farmer in this story – we do not need to complicate the promises of God. They are for each of us.
Hebron was the name of one of the cities of refuge instituted by the Lord. In Hebrew, Hebron means fellowship or association. It speaks of intimacy, closeness, and connection with God.
It is not a formula or a mantra. It is the desire to have an intimate relationship with Jesus.
God Wants Us To Have An Abundant Life

God wants us to have an abundant life. He does not want us to suffer or be in lack. Caleb’s strength, vigor, boundless energy, and long life were experienced under the old covenant – imagine how much more God wants to bless you when you understand that our Lord Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life so we may have it more abundantly.
Some people use Psalm 90:10 to teach that our expected lifespan is between seventy and eighty years. But we must interpret this passage in the context of the children of Israel who were in the wilderness and under God’s wrath. And even then, Caleb transcended this lifespan and was still going strong at 85.
Then Psalm 91 says that with long life we will be satisfied according to our faith. Caleb’s faith was not limited by the law. He trusted God’s promises.
Have you ever wondered about your future? I believe we all have thought that at one time or another.
“God has revealed them the things He has prepared for those who love Him to us – through his Spirit. Now, we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God” 1 Corinthians 2:10, 12.
God's Word Is YES and AMEN

On my YouTube channel, there are several videos on how to know the will of God in your life, what He has promised us, and shows clearly that His promises free us from any concern about the future.
God’s Word is YES and AMEN and what He has promised He will do. We know our sins are forgiven. We have received the gift of NO condemnation or guilt for our past, present, and future sins because Jesus paid the ultimate price for us.
The Bible tells us that Abraham was the friend of God (James 2:23) but he never had that promise. Moses never had it. Even David whom God calls a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22) – never had it. They had the Spirit of God ON them but not IN THEM.
Because of what Christ did for us, we have God’s precious Holy Spirit dwelling within our spirit. We do not deserve it. We cannot earn it. It is a gift He gives freely to those who accept Him as Lord and Savior and do not doubt in their heart what God has promised, He will do.
Because you are a believer, not only have all your sins been forgiven but you have also been justified by faith and made righteous by His blood. You have something that the patriarchs of the Old Testament never had.
Your Prayer Of Thanksgiving

The apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us that when we believed in Jesus, He identified us as His own by giving us the Holy Spirit who is God’s guarantee that He will give us the inheritance He has promised us and that He has purchased us to be His people. Imagine that!
You have been bought with a price, signed in Jesus’ blood, and delivered to us via the Holy Spirit. We are identified as God’s children who have been given the gift of righteousness (right-standing) and the gift of eternal life through Jesus’ finished work.
Make this your prayer of thanksgiving today and every day!