Jesus Overpaid Your Debt
Jesus not only paid the debt for your transgressions by taking them upon Himself, but He overpaid them.
“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins” Isaiah 43:25.
Imagine if you took out a bank loan and then fell into tough times, which would make it difficult to repay that debt. You might try to extend the due date but as time progressed you realized that you would never be able to pay it back.
A stranger heard about your debt and decided to pay off the loan in full with an additional gift of a million dollars. How would that make you feel?
You realize you do not deserve all that money and you did nothing to earn it. Yet, this person decides to pay your debt and bless you beyond anything you could imagine.Jesus Overpaid Your Debts
God knew that we would never be able to pay the debt we owe for our sins. He sent His Son to die on the cross and with His blood pay the debt we owed. But He not only paid the debt, He overpaid it. He did not want you to ever have that debt on your conscience again.
You might ask God, “Are you telling me the debt is completely paid? Why are You doing this for me?”
His response is always the same. “I love you. I died for you. I forgave you. This is My gift to you for accepting Me into your heart.”
When Jesus died on the cross He wiped out your entire life’s sins – past, present, and future. Once. And for all.
What God Wants From You
God wants you to be fully aware of the gospel of grace and the only way to do that is to believe it. Every time you become sin-conscious, you are insulting the payment made by our Lord Jesus Christ. You are saying that it wasn’t enough.
But the truth is that it was MORE than enough – He overpaid on your behalf. Stop believing the lies that the enemy wants you to believe – that you need to keep begging God to forgive you. The devil wants you to remain in the guilt mode so you think about it all the time. He wants you to stay sin-conscious rather than righteousness-conscious.
“Therefore, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus” Hebrews 10:19. It matters to God that you accept His gift of holiness which produces right thinking.
“I write to you, little children because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake” 1 John 2:12.
Why is this important to understand? There are several reasons.
If you do not have confidence that your sins are forgiven, you may constantly wonder if you are saved.
Without that confidence, you will feel unworthy. You will live your life expecting God to punish you for your sins.
You will shy away from believing God for the ‘big’ things – thinking you are not worthy.
When you mess up, you will think that you are not right with God and are out of His favor.
You will keep asking for forgiveness rather than understanding you are already forgiven.
You will live in a cycle of feeling insecure and make a greater effort to gain God’s favor by accomplishing more or performing better,
God does not evaluate you based on your behavior. His Son paid the ultimate price when He sacrificed His life for your sin. It is not what you do, it is based on what HE HAS DONE.
“For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” Matthew 26:28.
Click the image below to watch my videos on the topic of forgiveness.
Study the function of Jesus’ blood to comprehend that not only does His blood provide protection and healing, but complete forgiveness of sins.
Whenever the accuser tries to put guilt on you and make you feel unworthy to enter God’s presence, remember that Jesus gave His life so that you can be free of sin and condemnation.
You Do Not Need To Confess To Be Forgiven
Awakening the truth of God’s grace will free you to reign over sin, addiction, depression, or challenge that tries to hold you captive.
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” Ephesians 1:7.
I grew up believing that every time I did something that was not pleasing to God I had to seek His forgiveness by confessing that sin or I would end up in hell. The only thing this accomplished was to keep me in a state of bondage and guilt.
When I realized that I did not confess my sins to be forgiven but to have a relationship with Him by thanking Him for what He has done for me. I can be honest with Him regarding my failures and come to Him with a grateful heart.
Overpaid Your Debt
Apostle Paul who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament epistles never mentioned that we needed to consistently ask for forgiveness.
One example is when people in the Corinthian church were living in sin, Paul did not tell them to go and confess their sins. Instead, he reminded them of their righteousness by saying, “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you” 1 Corinthians 6:19. Despite their sins Paul still considered them temples of the Holy Spirit by reminding them of that instead of condemning them.
“And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made you alive together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses” Colossians 2:13.
Once And For All
The only way you can know that you are in God’s favor is to understand that your sins are forgiven. Once. And for all. Do not draw a timeline of God’s forgiveness.
Under the old covenant, the high priests had to offer sacrifices for sins daily. But Jesus, our perfect High Priest, offered the complete, perfect sacrifice when He offed up Himself. (Hebrews 7:27).
Jesus does not need to be crucified again for your future sins. It is a finished work.
Understanding that, you will no longer live in fear of condemnation from God by thinking He sees your sins and will ‘punish’ you if you do not confess them in time, will bring you abundant life.