No More Guilt

no more guilt

The greatest weapon the enemy has against you is in your thought realm and that is GUILT. The main reason the enemy loves using your past against you is because when the church rises up and realizes they are free from guilt and condemnation, his work is extinguished.

One of the main functions of Jesus’ blood is for the forgiveness of our sins. Yes, it protects us against disease but when we realize we have the confidence to come before the throne of God boldly, we are set free from guilt.

The accuser wants you to believe that you are unworthy to enter into God’s presence. Many people try to pray but are plagued with thoughts of past sins, failure, and all their dirty laundry. They may feel that they ‘deserve’ whatever sickness or calamity they are facing.

The enemy is fully aware that stress, fear, and self-condemnation can often bring on sickness and he wants to keep you in that state.

BUT, you have the authority to destroy guilt at its root. There is absolutely nothing you have or have not done that Jesus’ blood does not cover. It is a finished work.

Receive Your Breakthrough: No More Guilt

receive your breakthrough

Receiving your breakthrough does not depend on how many painful mistakes you have made. But when you receive the promise God gave you for peace, healing, and freedom, you will live the abundant life His Word promises.

You will rise above guilt, sin, addiction, depression, or any other challenge that may be holding you in its snare.

Jesus not only paid the debt for your transgressions by taking them upon Himself, but He overpaid them. 

I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins” Isaiah 43:25.

Imagine that if you took a loan out from the bank and fell into hard times, it would be difficult to repay that debt. You might try to extend the due date but as time progressed you realized that you would never be able to pay it back. 


A stranger heard about your debt and decided to pay off the loan in full with an additional gift of a million dollars. How would that make you feel?

You realize you do not deserve all that money and you did nothing to earn it. Yet this person decides to pay your debt and bless you beyond anything you could imagine. 

God knew that we would never be able to pay the debt we owe for our sins. He sent His Son to die on the cross and with His blood paid the debt we owed. He not only paid the debt, but He also overpaid it. He did not want you to ever have that debt on your conscience again. 

You might ask God, “Are you telling me the debt is completely paid? Why are You doing this for me?”

His response is always the same. “I love you. I died for you. I forgave you. This is My gift to you for accepting Me into your heart.

When Jesus died on the cross He wiped out your entire life’s sins – past, present, and future. Once. And for all.

This is IMPORTANT to Understand

what god wants from you

God wants you to be fully aware of the gospel of grace and the only way to do that is to believe it. Every time you become sin-conscious, you are insulting the payment made by our Lord Jesus Christ. You are saying that it wasn’t enough.

But the truth is that it was MORE than enough – He overpaid on your behalf. Stop believing the lies that the enemy wants you to believe – that you need to keep begging God to forgive you. The devil wants you to remain in the guilt mode so you think about it all the time. He wants you to stay sin-conscious rather than righteousness-conscious. 

Therefore, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus” Hebrews 10:19. It matters to God that you accept His gift of holiness which produces right thinking. 

I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake” 1 John 2:12.

stop asking god

Why is this important to understand? There are several reasons. 

  1. If you do not have confidence that your sins are forgiven, you may constantly wonder if you are saved.

  2. Without that confidence, you will feel unworthy. You will live your life expecting God to punish you for your sins.

  3. You will shy away from believing God for the ‘big’ things – thinking you are not worthy.

  4. When you mess up, you will think that you are not right with God and are out of His favor.

  5. You will keep asking for forgiveness rather than understanding you are already forgiven. 

  6. You will live in a cycle of feeling insecure and make a greater effort to gain God’s favor by accomplishing more or performing better, 

God does not evaluate you based on your behavior. His Son paid the ultimate price when He sacrificed his life for your sin. It is not what you do, it is based on what HE HAS DONE.

One of the BIGGEST Lies We Hear...


I grew up in an era when that truth was not preached. It caused me to live in constant guilt and fear. I was continuously asking God for forgiveness in case He returned, and I was in some type of perceived sin.

The only thing that teaching taught Christians was that we would never be completely forgiven and we are unrighteous. 

One of the biggest lies we hear is that conviction is from God. On the cross, God poured out His anger on the body of His Son. Jesus exhausted all the indignation of a holy God against our sins, and then He said, “It is finished!” 

The only scripture verse that people use to promote this myth is John 16:8 which has nothing to do with a born-again Christian. Check out this video for a clear understanding.

Our sins have already been punished. God’s holiness and His righteousness are NOT IN YOU. Satan desires to rob you of that and often gets away with it when someone does not know who they are in Christ Jesus.

Confession under the New Covenant is being honest about your failures but maintaining an intimate relationship with God. It is the result of knowing you are forgiven but not constantly asking for forgiveness to maintain your salvation.

You will never be sure you have God’s unmerited favor if you are not sure God has forgiven you of your sins. 

Make a positive confession in your prayers that all of your sins – past, present, and future – have been forgiven. Bought and paid for with the price of Jesus’ shed blood.

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses” Colossians 2:13.

It states clearly that we have been forgiven of all our sins – not just some of them.

Rejoice In Having No More Guilt

forgive yourself

Under the Old Covenant, the high priests had to offer sacrifices for sins daily. But Jesus, our perfect new covenant High Priest, offered the complete and perfect sacrifice ‘once and for all’ when He offered up Himself.

Who does not need daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the people’s for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself” Hebrews 7:27.

Christ does not need to be crucified again for your future sins. So, if you mess up, and we all do, instead of begging forgiveness begin to thank God that He has covered your sins by His blood, and you are free of that condemnation that would try to plague you.

We can also rejoice that we have unmerited, undeserved favor with God because of what HE HAS DONE FOR YOU – not for what you have or have not done.

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