Discover the "SECRET" to
A Prayer Course That Changes Lives
Have you ever shook your fist at God, or perhaps had tears wet your pillow night after night?
But still, no answers to your prayers.
Many engage in this exhausting effort, wondering if God will ever answer, whether He's listening or even cares.
Is there a secret on the effective way to pray?
No secret, but rather, a sure path to present petitions, to declare what is true and proclaim God's Word that already states the outcome.
Through this course, I will present real-life stories to illustrate the powerful way in which God showcases His miracles.
"Our world has changed. People are sinking in fear and worry. That’s why this course on prayer is just what we need to learn effective prayer, where to focus, what to speak, and how to believe. This course will transform the way we make our requests before God and how we express our needs. “Instead of praying the problem, pray the promise” is only one insight so clearly presented in this life-changing course."
--Janet Perez Eckles International speaker, author, and founder of JC Empowerment Ministries
Prayer Course Highlights
Many Christians do not know how to pray the answer according to God's word.
This prayer course will show you how.

Everyone has a story. Your journey has made you who you are. Learning how to take any negative aspect of that story and turn it into a positive will reap incredible results. Changing your mindset from hopeless to hopeful is achievable.
This is not a positive thinking program but one that teaches the listener to use tools that change their focus. Learn how to see yourself as who you were meant to be and not allow your circumstances to control you.
Carol shares numerous stories
from all aspects of trauma; everyone can relate on some level.
• Loss of a child
• Gang-raped and left for dead
• Husband falsely imprisoned
• Uterine cancer
• Husband's car accident leaving him with permanent brain damage
• The estrangement of her son

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be as threatening as death. Fear can hold you back from doing what you want to do or realizing your dreams.
Whether it is in business or relationships, taking that first step is the most important one.
This chapter will help you gain the confidence and faith to overcome your fears that prevent you from realizing your dreams. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you will discover things you never knew possible - in your professional and personal relationships.

"You have no idea what he/she did to me."
"I will never forgive them."
These are statements that control our thoughts, goals, and future. When we can't forgive, then we are the only one who is hurt and limited to growth in ourselves.
One of the forgiveness issues is believing you have to forget what was done to you. Forgiving is not necessarily forgetting. Remembering what happened and using it as a stepping stone to improvement is freedom.

Learn how to expect the positive in your life rather than waiting for the other shoe to drop. Changing our mindset to think realistically without allowing worry to control our thoughts is easily done when we apply scripture to any situation.
I use personal traumatic experiences to illustrate how to overcome and be a victor instead of a victim -- no matter what you have gone through. Remove any obstacles that keep you rooted in old habits.
Learning how to live in an attitude of thanksgiving can change all areas of your life.
This chapter focuses on:
- How to find a solution to any problem
- Be who you were created to be
- New Mindset

Praise has more scripture devoted to it than any other subject in the Bible. Yet, do we have a true understanding as to its purpose? Praise has been pivotal in my life turning me from sickness and near death to health and life! It is the understanding of praise that will make a difference in your life as well.
This can be formatted as a workshop for praise and worship leaders to lead people into an understanding of why, when, and how we praise.
Realizing that there is a specific pattern in the Bible for both personal and corporate praise, brings the results every leader craves: Invoking God to respond and be pleased.
You will learn:
- Step-by-step guide to worship as Scripture teaches
- How to use praise in your life to receive answers
This Course on Prayer Will Change Your Prayer Life - Guaranteed
No matter how mature of a Christian you are, there are times when you may wonder:
What happens when God doesn't answer our prayer?
If God knows all, how specific does He want us to be with our requests?
Do we need to keep praying the same prayer over and over again?
What if God answers our prayer differently than what we expect?
How do we discern if it's God's answer rather than our own view of the situation?
What do we do while we wait for our answers?
What obstacles are present during prayer for most Christians?
Why Aren't My Prayers Answered?
Do you know how to pray for miracles? You shook your fist at God, or perhaps tears wet your pillow night after night.
But still, no answers to your prayers.
Many engage in this exhausting effort, wondering if God will ever answer, whether He's listening or even cares. Through this course, I will present my real-life stories to illustrate the powerful way in which God showcases His miracles.
You'll learn the difference between passive praying and powerful praying.
Prayer Course Chapters
Course Only
Course + Add-On ($49 SAVINGS!)
Inclusion #1
(2) coaching call sessions with Prayer Coach Carol Graham
Inclusion #2
Instant access to Battered Hope eBook - sent straight to your email
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