How To Help Someone With A Substance Abuse Problem

substance abuse problem

Most of us have known someone whose life has been affected by a form of substance abuse. In Brad’s interview he shares true life stories of people who have suffered through the dark trenches of addiction and emerge victorious.

Brad Duncan And His Inspiring Stories Of Hope

brad duncan substance abuse treatment

Brad Duncan has a Bachelor of Science degree in Radiography and works at the Baptist Health Hospital. He is the author of eight books.

At a visitation for a 21-year-old family member who passed away from a drug overdose, Brad's life and mission changed forever. He felt inspired to share stories of hope and began interviewing people from a variety of ages, races, genders, and social statuses who had gone through addiction, overcame it and are now living abundant lives.

During his interview, Brad shares several stories of people who have turned their lives around, including the most wanted man in California: 

Listen to my interview with Brad Duncane about substance abuse and inspiring stories of those who have overcome this problem.

Life After A Substance Abuse Problem

Brad Duncan's book, Colors of Salvation: Substance Abuse shares the true life stories of people who have suffered through the dark trenches of addiction and have emerged victorious.

A variety of people of all ages, races, genders, and social statuses share their remarkable journey of transformation, going from hopelessness and captivity, to freedom and victory!

As a way to join the fight against addiction, at least one dollar from every book sold will go directly to a recovery ministry.

substance abuse stories

Connect With Brad Here:


Views and opinions expressed in the podcast episodes represent the opinions of the guests on the show and are not necessarily Ms. Carol Graham’s. The content here is for informational purposes only. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. If you find any errors in any of the content of the podcasts, please send a message through the CONTACT page.

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