Embracing God’s Grace: Finding Peace Beyond Guilt and Fear

Have you ever thought that God must be disappointed with you because of something that happened? Or feel you are being judged by God?
When we allow circumstances to affect our relationship with God, we are basing those thoughts on our emotions rather than what the Word tells us.
“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He has not dealt with us according to our sins! Nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward those who love Him, as far as the east is from the west, so far had He removed our transgressions from us” Psalm 103:3, 10-12.
You Have God's Grace

Instead of receiving His love, grace, and forgiveness, you become afraid, distant, and fearful of Him. Instead of allowing Jesus to come into your situations, you live your life running away, avoiding, and hiding from Him.
God wants you to understand His grace and acceptance because when He looks at you, He sees His Son who died for you and loved you when you were a sinner.
Look at this account from Luke in the fifth chapter. Peter and his fishermen crew had worked all night at sea and caught nothing. They were exhausted and decided to quit.
They were washing their nets and noticed large numbers of people gathered on the waterfront. Peter then saw the man everyone was crowding to see and hear.

This man was heading straight to Peter’s boat and stepped into it. He gestured to Peter to grab their nets and get back into the boat. The crowd was getting closer, so Peter’s crew quickly pushed the boat offshore.
The man began to teach the crowd from there. When he had finished speaking, he turned to Peter and asked them to launch out into the deep and let down their nets. Peter told him that it was no use – they had fished all night and caught nothing. But he was willing to try again – reluctantly.
Possibly Peter was thinking – ‘what would a carpenter from Nazareth know about fishing?’ After all, Peter was the expert.
Grace Of God

To oblige this man, when they reached deep water, Peter threw one of the nets into the sea. There was something in this man’s voice that caused Peter to obey.
Suddenly, that net became a fish magnet. Massive schools of large tilapia rushed into the net from every direction and the net began to tear. Their nets were full, and they motioned to another crew nearby to help them. The boats were so full they almost sank.
Simon Peter was amazed and knelt before Jesus and proclaimed, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” Luke 5:8.
Here is the question – which came first? The repentance or God’s blessing? Under the new covenant of grace, God blesses us first, and His blessings, favor and overflowing love lead you to repentance.
The same thing will happen to you when you focus on God’s promises for all areas of your life by opening your heart to receive all the Lord’s goodness and love.
“The goodness of God leads you to repentance” Romans 2:4. You cannot earn it.
When we understand God’s grace, people around us notice. They are drawn to you.
God's Peace Is With You

David is a prime example of someone who talked to the Lord and stayed in His presence. When King Saul was unsettled, his advisors suggested he have David play the harp for him as it seemed to comfort the king.
One of them described David as someone skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person, and the lord is with him. (1 Samuel 16:18)
The servants recognized that the Lord was with David.
Whenever I am around people who smoke or wear strong cologne, it gives me a headache and the smell seems to linger even after leaving. By the same token, when we are in the presence of Jesus, that sweet fragrance lingers and others notice.
Others are drawn to us like the fish were drawn to the nets – we become ‘magnets’ for Jesus.
People sense God’s peace in and around you. No matter what is happening around you, you can be at peace. The Psalmist said, “The mountains melt like wax in the presence of the Lord” Psalm 97:5.

When you recognize His presence you can live without fear, stress, anxiety, and worry. It is not psyching yourself up to be calm – it is an inner peace that overtakes your distress. You realize there is nothing to worry about. This speaks volumes to those who ‘watch’ how we respond in situations.
“In the midst of your affliction, I am your shield. I am your defender. I am your fortress. I am your refuge. I am your supply. I am your healing. I am your provider. I am your peace. I am your joy. I am your wisdom. I am your strength. I am the glory and the lifter of your head” Psalm 3:3.
Faith does not deny reality! Repeat that out loud. FAITH DOES NOT DENY REALITY! Whatever you are going through, Jesus is there WITH you. He gives you peace and assurance that He will help you.