What's Your Response To The Voice Of Accusation?
How often have you been a victim of the voice of accusation? It is that accusing voice inside your head that runs like a broken record.
“Who do you think you are?”
“Remember how you got angry and yelled at your children this morning? And…..you call yourself a Christian?”
“Were you acting like a Christian when that guy cut you off in traffic this morning?
“Did you take time to read your Bible today?”
“What have you done lately – for God?”
The question remains – how do you react to this voice? How you respond exposes what you believe. This is the ultimate test. It is where the rubber meets the road!
More often than not we tend to agree with that voice. “You are right, I do not deserve to be blessed or in God’s favor.”
This is the response that is expected from anyone who believes they need to earn righteousness or acceptance from God. They believe that they can expect good from God when his conduct is good.
Start Thanking God
S T O P looking at what you deserve or think you deserve – and S T A R T thanking God for what He has promised you.
Lift your face toward heaven and thank God that He sees you as righteous – in right standing with Him. NOT because of what you have done or not done but because of what Jesus did for you.
Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and through that sacrifice, you have God’s unmerited, undeserved favor on your life.
You can expect good not because you are good, but because God is good.
Do you see the difference? Establish yourself upon Jesus’ righteousness and not your right or wrong behavior.
Right believing ALWAYS leads to right living!
When we see ourselves in that light, our attitudes change. Our lives change. Our relationships with others change. Because of that change, we find the strength to make our wrongs right and to ask forgiveness when we have hurt someone.
The heart that is touched by God’s favor does not hold onto unforgiveness, anger, or bitterness.
Voice Of Accusation
“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” John 1:29.
Start your day with this thought. “God loves me and He gave His only Son for me. Jesus is with me today. He is all I need today. I am saved by His blood, healed, favored, righteous, and accepted by the almighty God.”
Some mornings we may need to say it numerous times until that truth is in our hearts. It will pulsate in your heart as you walk through your day. You will have the unshakeable belief that God is WITH you and FOR you.
When you occupy your thoughts with Jesus and who He is in you, every struggle, fear, or bondage loses its grip on you.
Examines The Sacrifice
Under the old covenant of the law, those who sinned were told to bring a sheep that was without blemish, wrinkle, or spot to the priest.
The priest DID NOT EXAMINE THE PERSON bringing the sacrifice – he examined the SACRIFICE.
After the priest examined the sacrifice to be sure it was perfect (without sin) the person who had sinned laid his hands on the sheep in the act of transferring his sins to the innocent lamb.
The innocence and perfection of the lamb are transferred to the person, the lamb is killed, and the person leaves with his conscience cleared and his sin debt forgiven. He walks away under God’s favor and blessing.
The perfect sheep is a picture of the perfect Lamb of God, Jesus Christ Himself, who takes away the sins of the world.
The priest is a picture of God. He does not examine your sins. He examines the sacrifice – Jesus.Live Free From The Voice Of Accusation
Jesus is perfect. You can live free from the voice of accusation, and the lies of the enemy, and know you are forgiven through Christ. Once….and for all.
Turn your eyes on the Lamb of God and see His perfection as your perfection. See His innocence as your innocence. His righteousness as your righteousness. Be occupied with Him and be transformed from the inside out.
“In Him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” Ephesians 1:7.
When you asked Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior, your sins were forgiven. Past. Present. Future.
You are reborn and your forgiveness of sin is through the blood of Jesus Christ who shed HIS blood for you.
“…the wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23. The punishment for sin is death.
Hebrews 9:22 tells us that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. Blood is necessary for the forgiveness of sins.Even under Old Testament law, sin was covered TEMPORARILY through the blood of sacrificed animals.
But under the New Testament, Jesus was the perfect sacrifice. Jesus paid for our sins.
“What joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. What joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin” Romans 4:7-8.
When you question if you are forgiven, it brings insecurities, fears, and bondage. They have no place in a healthy relationship with God.
Thank God daily for the ultimate sacrifice His Son made for you and begin to see yourself as God sees you. Redeemed and forgiven.